It’s live!

by admin in General

So I’ve spent the last few years cranking away on writing chapters for a few novels that I eventually decided to release as serial web novels. Posting a chapter every (work)day of the week. I settled upon the decision after realizing that book launches weren’t my strongest suit, but I could write chapters till I was blue in the face, and there are now processes by which fans could support that if they so chose. Those mechanisms weren’t quite solidified back when I published my first novel. But taking a publishing sabbatical and just focusing on writing and putting words to pages has given the industry time to develop around me.

And now, I’ve taken the plunge by launching the first chapter of many to Royal Road. A free-to-view website that caters to authors in my chosen genre. As stated above, I’ll be releasing a new chapter each day of the work week for the foreseeable future. If I can get enough supporters and fans to facilitate making this a self-sustaining venture then all the better.

However, I should note that as of now this is purely a secondary gig. Not wanting to fall into the trap of being too busy though, I’ve gone ahead and pre-written roughly 90 chapters so I have a full book or two to post. This way if it doesn’t turn out to be a hit? Then I can wrap it up and post it to amazon with no big loss. So either way, we all come out on top. But hopefully, everyone will enjoy reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it because this particular story can run for a long distance if given the opportunity.

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