It’s a Nick Webb book and the first in his new series Earth Dawning, which you’ll get the naming for when you read far enough into the book.
Initial impression: Fantastic cover which is pretty par for Nick’s books. Definitely looked the part. I haven’t read anything by him yet and figured I’d start here. The fact it was an audio book helped, since I could listen to the book and work at the same time. VERY HELPFUL. If you’re reading Nick? Do this to all of them. Pretty please? ^_^;;
*ahem* Anyway >_>, So the book starts out painting the picture of an a settlement on earth weary of alien invaders. Bad things happen to them forcing a rapid unplanned evacuation. The book then skips ahead and picks up where that intro left off. Mankind have been forcefully evicted from earth by a powerful alien race. Man now lives in the stars and on settlements among the planets of the solar system. But there is one common thread among those old enough to remember, They miss their home.
A resistance cell much in the same vain of the Rebel Alliance from star wars mount a plucky insurgency against these aliens. They spend the bulk of their time getting their teeth kicked in but the Resistance fleet’s admiral is banking on a hail marry pass that might give them the opportunity they need. That all of man needs.
It’s a great read that has lots of the things I enjoy. Space shootan, character development, and a story that twists and turns itself around. The big bad aliens were unusually absent though, often portrayed from a distance (literally) for the most part, with only one of them being named and referenced until late in the book, so you still don’t know too much about them by the end. It leaves with you with just enough answers to have a basic enough picture of what’s going on but plenty enough questions to make grabbing the next book a good idea.
All in all? A good read and a long one. Much longer than I’m used to reading which was nice. There were a few points I figured it’d wrap up and it kept going, I was like “Oh, there’s more? great! It’s a smooth read, and since I cheated and got the Audio book I got hear more about the characters through the voice acting that wasn’t present in the book itself like Admiral Walker and most of the Intrepid’s crew having British accents. “Ma’am” sounds more like “mum” and so on. It helped really sell some of the characters that I might not have done in my own head.
So if your hands are decidedly bookless, or if you’re busy but need something to listen to? Grab either the book, or the audiobook, or both like I did. For more on Nick Webb himself, you can head to his Author page here Author Nick Webb and check out the book on Amazon here